there is still GO
so much work to be done keyboard_arrow_down




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My name is Julie. I am an author, speaker, certified domestic abuse advocate and abuse survivor. I also have allergies. And in August of 2024, my Lord took me home while I was in our cul-de-sac lying in an ambulance suffering from an allergic reaction. Obviously, I didn’t stay in heaven. In fact, He told me to “go away”. :-) His exact words: “Not now. GO. There is still so much work to be done.”

I had no idea of the impact of my work, although it is true that Satan has been trying to defeat it for a long time. God sent me back to continue being a worker-bee and I have heard since from so many people of what my work means to them. Our work here does make a difference in eternity and is so very important to Him – I now understand this fully.

So, “yes, Lord”. Here am I.


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