Cynthia Ruchti and Julie Bonn BlankAfter an amazing Cascade Christian Writers Fall conference yesterday, I had to share a story that I shared at the podium, only without my voice choking up.

A few years ago, I attended my first writing conference. It was Write to Publish in Chicago, once managed by Lyn Johnson and now owned/managed by Steve Laube. I had completed Innocent Lives (over several years) on the urging of the Lord, and struggled to get the Christian world of publishing to accept a book mostly written from a victim’s perspective and meant to bring attention to and touch people’s hearts to DO something about human trafficking and domestic violence. I wasn’t sure where to go with it anymore. Read into that: I was discouraged. But I told the Lord I would go to this conference (we lived fifteen minutes away at the time) and make one last effort to engross myself and my work there. If there were no results, I would self-publish it. I knew God wanted it out there – I just wasn’t sure of the exact path yet.
People kept telling me they read fiction to RELAX. For the happy, chill-out time. Even though my books end well, I wondered if I was wrong in what my Lord was calling me to do. Was I cray-cray???? Was I not hearing Him when He said that my fiction is supposed to be a catalyst for change and to transform lives? Please Jesus, make it so very clear.
I almost didn’t enter the building. I was that nervous. And I knew no one. I only walked in because I had already paid.
I had a good lunch with a tableful of ladies who were enthralled with my own story of abuse and how that had led to my heart for this topic. “Your book is so needed,” they said. I met with a top-notch and well-known editor who was so encouraging that I floated out of the auditorium. I actually did sign with an agent I met there (not Cynthia) but after a lot of non communication on this new agent’s part, I later terminated that relationship.
During worship on the last day, I headed to the front row (which was four rows back). Attendance was lower as some had left to go home and I’m sure I stuck out like a sore bump on the head in that row by myself.
I had no idea I would shortly be bawling my eyes out.
Innocent Lives by Julie Bonn Blank
Cynthia Ruchti led worship that year. And I believe she was a substitute. While she was there, she received an important text and said she had a story to tell us. In her small town in Wisconsin, there was a strip club that was an eyesore. It was the first building people saw as they entered the town. She had my attention – much human trafficking happens at clubs and there is a scene depicting this in “Innocent Lives”. Cynthia’s church had a group that started ministering to the ladies who worked there. They painted their dressing room so these ladies had a more pleasant place to “be” (WHAAAAT? I hear some of you asking). They brought them treats and loved on them like Jesus would. They didn’t criticize, as some Christians might. They just LOVED on them. They were true servants.
This church had been so effective at ministering to these ladies that the owner had experienced an extreme heart change. He decided that this club was NOT the legacy that he wanted to leave for his children and grandchildren. And she’d received this text because the owner of the club was currently bulldozing the building to the ground. Yes, I choked up here and I was scrambling for tissue in my purse. Because they don’t provide Kleenex in the auditorium of the Billy Graham Center.

“OK, Lord, this is like my fourth confirmation in two days! I got the message!”


I later learned that the owner had sold the property to the church. The church, small as it was, shared the story and passed the offering plate. The amount of quite-a-bit-over one hundred thousand dollars seemed astromical to a small church, but they raised it during that offering. Yesterday, Cynthia shared that it is now a park, landscaped and beautiful. A “healing place.”

What about the gals who had worked there? I had to ask, of course.


Several of them now attend Cynthia’s church. Last night she told me, “we are a church of the redeemed. One to our right was just released from jail. One on the left is on his way there.”



We are ALL churches of the redeemed (or we should be) and I am so thrilled that they found this as their Mission. We are a Church of the hurting and every church should have a focus on healing, not just with leadership and the sermons, but with small groups and recovery opportunities.
Some churches also meet physical needs. When I was in need, in abuse, and then later as a single parent, my church at the time provided food, gas money and Christmas gifts. Do they even know the firestorm ripple that they helped create? Probably not! God, as we know now, had plans for me. But I wouldn’t have made it through without their very real support. I never would have reached those plans.
I was very pleased to see Cynthia’s closeness with our Savior. Since I have returned from Heaven’s gates, I realize even more so how vital this remains. (Read my heaven blog here). This agent/author/women extraordinaire prioritizes God in her life. She easily and naturally deflects all the accomplishments He has given her to HIM, she is emotional on stage, talking about what HE has done for her and she is incredibly humble and secure in who she is as a daughter of the most high King.
It does indeed feel like a full circle. I thank God that onstage in 2018, Cynthia Ruchti confirmed to me that I was on the right track and unknowingly encouraged me to continue working to get the word out to all people. She bumped me up when I was at my lowest, and gave me the strength to push forward in the mission that Jesus had for me! And in 2024, in a completely different venue, she confirmed this yet again. She also told me to stay alive this time. :-)
I’m wasn’t even sure she remembered or recognized me at first. But I know that the God of our hearts did! And His plans are so much greater than ours. Thank you, my Lord. 
“The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe” (Proverbs 18:10 NLT)
By Published On: October 14th, 2024Categories: Writing0 Comments on Full Circle with Cynthia Ruchti

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