Having planted sugar snap peas for many, many years, I am an expert. Or so I thought.

Why read the instructions? I don’t need them. I’ve planted them each year, sometimes twice a year, for over 30 years! I plant them a couple of inches apart and each year carefully take the time to construct a support system for each row usually consisting of garden poles and string. I pound the posts into the ground with a hammer to ensure steadiness, as peas need a ton of support. I’ve worked with thick string and thin string. For two years now, I’ve been trying to get rid of my roll of thin string so have doubled it for strength purposes. I can’t wait to buy thick string.

What on earth got into me when this year, I read the BACK of the package?! I have no idea. Or maybe my husband read it and relayed it to me. Possible.

What did it say? “Plant two rows about six inches apart and construct ONE supporting structure between the two for both rows to use.” (Or something of the like)


I’ve found myself doing this in my spiritual walk, as well. Having been a believer since the age of 4, have I not “read it all”, “done it all”, “practiced it all”? There is nothing in the Word that I haven’t read!

Some say that BIBLE should stand for “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”. It is our guide and manual. God’s Word was not just applicable a few thousand years ago. He made it to last and it is as befitting to our issues today as it always was. There is not one problem we face that is not addressed in His book. In addition, there is power within the words in the Bible. Speaking the name of Jesus aloud chases Satan out. Memorizing scripture means that when we need it the most, certain verses will echo in our heads. The voice of our Lord.

I don’t know about you, but I am certainly reading the scriptures more during this time of world chaos-a habit I will strive to keep up even after the world seems safer.

“How can a young man/woman keep their way pure? By guarding it according to your word. . . . I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:9, 11

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.  Timothy 3:16-17

Question I’m Pondering This Week: Is there written scripture in heaven?

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