Eleven months ago when my brother passed over to heaven, my good friend Karen sent me a beautiful flower basket. It was overflowing with plant goodness and although I know I took pictures, of course, I can’t find those today. Here is the basket today. I’m so glad that I saved it, as many plants do insist on continued life. When the first one came up this time, we pulled it out of the garage. When it snowed, it temporarily went back in!

Do you believe that the dead speak from heaven?

My daughter is convinced that red-tailed hawks are the spirit animal of her father, who passed in 2013. Without fail, these birds have appeared on special days and she even got a tattoo to commemorate this. When they appear, she feels peace and knows that her father is there.

“This is God’s way of telling you He loves you.” I tell her.

I see a few occasionally, and recently I realized that these sightings that I have as well are also sometimes on special days. Recently when my middle son and fiancée announced their engagement, I looked out my bedroom that evening to see one sitting there, after never seeing one in our neighborhood before. And haven’t since either. His dad won’t be here to see the wedding, and experience holding our very first granddaughter. I can only hope that someday there will be a very big reunion in heaven. That someday he will get to meet and hug all of his descendants.

Why is this on my heart? Well, since Rick died eleven months ago, I’ve had a few dreams with him in them. And in each dream, he was either unable to speak or wouldn’t speak. My friends on Facebook also agreed-they also had dreams about loved ones who have passed-but they didn’t speak.

Never before have I been without hearing from my brother for a year’s time.

But last night was different.

In last night’s dream, we had kiddos roaming around us. And he was holding one on his hip. And I got a half-hug (since one arm/hip was occupied). I told him that I loved him. And then he clearly said: “I love you too. Hang in there with me. This is how it needs to be for a while. Be strong.” He then pulled away and talked about how this next section in these children’s lives was so very important and how he wanted to make a forever impact on their lives. The second part of the conversation was very typical of him and reminded me of how he would talk of his passion to change Hollywood and impact the industry for Jesus.

The first part, I’ve not heard before.

Well, perhaps I have. When I was a single mom a long time ago, he was so proud to give me a framed picture of a migrant pea worker who was a single mom and literally moved farm-to-farm to pick and provide for her kids. I questioned it at the time. Since then, many have told me the story behind the photo and that he was saying to me:

You are strong and courageous.

I am. I will be. And although the tears are close today, I know that I will see him again. I take comfort in that.

By Published On: March 1st, 2021Categories: Just Me, Trials6 Comments on Voices of the Dead


  1. hope2rise March 1, 2021 at 7:59 pm - Reply

    Yes, you are strong and courageous. As a child on our farm, I loved how my Dad took such an interest in the migrant workers who came to pick strawberries. He often provided them with things to make their “stay” comfortable. He cared about their children, and these dear families would prepare special foods during those weeks, sharing some of the special things with us now and then. Dad would give them some beef from our farm. He saw them as the hard-working, courageous people they truly were. I grew up loving to serve people from other cultures. In our strawberry field, we had Russians, Latinos, Cambodians, and others. I loved to hear them speaking in their native languages, and the pride that shone in their eyes as they filled crate after crate of beautiful strawberries.

    • Julie Blank March 1, 2021 at 8:04 pm - Reply

      I love this story. What a wonderful example of being Jesus’ hands and feet. Thank you for sharing with us.

  2. Denise Lee Branco March 1, 2021 at 8:00 pm - Reply

    So very beautiful and touching, Julie. Sending you a huge virtual hug, today.

    • Julie Blank March 1, 2021 at 8:05 pm - Reply

      Thanks for reading, Denise, and for your support. Appreciate it.

  3. Jan Johnson March 1, 2021 at 8:01 pm - Reply

    After Howard died, I had several dreams about him- and some random ones where he would appear and have a conversation with me, as if from “the other side”. They were very comforting. Thanks for sharing.

    • Julie Blank March 1, 2021 at 8:05 pm - Reply

      That’s right. I remember you mentioning it. Or maybe it was in your book. Does seem to be pretty common.

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