All holidays will be canceled this year, if things continue as-is. With COVID 19 cases rising, and ICU’s close to full, we’ve been told by the State of Oregon that Thanksgiving celebrations should be limited to 6 people. From a maximum of 2 households. A vaccine, however, is on the way.

Our County in Oregon is in a two-week freeze. A freeze that I suspect will last far longer than two weeks. Bars and restaurants are back to carry-out only as of tomorrow. Work-at-home options are supposed to be implemented again and stores will be limiting the population inside.

The Run on Toilet Paper

That’s right, folks. Once again, the TP at our local Costco is GONE-all the paper products are.

stocking up on TP until the vaccine

It’s not a disease to play with. My youngest and I were both at the doctor today. Fortunately, our symptoms do not indicate COVID so they didn’t even test us.

But here are the facts:

  • There were only two widely spaced chairs in the waiting room
  • They asked us to use hand sanitizer as soon as we walked in
  • I was required to wait in the car while youngest was checked
  • Medical personnel were fully decked out in protective gear (and have been for months).

It was a big reminder that this is a serious issue and that the numbers are growing. The news channels are full of doom and gloom.

Annoying and depressing.

Today in separate exam rooms, the youngest and I were offered counseling. With some coaching, medical personnel admitted that they are offering it to everyone. Not a bad thing. But certainly an indication of the sadness and anxiety of our world right now. I’m glad they offer it to all.

“But since you brought it up”, I said. “Could I get a small increase on my anxiety meds?!?”

To Vaccinate or Not

I’ve avoided vaccines for 10 years. When I saw a naturopathic doctor a few years ago, she could see (using iridology) the metal that had been left by receiving vaccines and the damage done by them. I have also found that continuing my weekly chiropractic adjustments and supplementing my diet with probiotics and extra Vitamin D provides increased immunity. I don’t even get the flu anymore. Before I put those measures into place, I got the flu at least twice a year.

There appears to be much controversy about the upcoming vaccines. When I asked on Facebook who was going to get a vaccine, over 75% of people either said “no” or that they were going to wait. Some brought up that the vaccine may have fetal tissue in it. Others want to wait and see if there are odd side effects or danger in the vaccines-especially as they’ve been developed in such a rush.

My friend Grace says “For a virus with a survival rate of 99.97%?!? No thanks.”

Vaccine Reactions

Some friends responded that they have reacted to vaccines and meds before so they will also wait. I get that-as I’ve also had that experience. My buddy Michele, who is pro-vaccine, put it this way: “I’m pro vaccines, pro masks and pro all sanitary measures, yet… In order to get a good quality vaccine, it requires years of trial/error research, and even then, the viruses and bacterias are evolving and mutating so fast that even a good quality vaccine would be effective for one strain and not another. So no, I’m not taking a shot on this one in particular.”

On the other side, many friends in high-risk categories said they will get it as soon as it’s available. Covid is not worth the risk to them.

No matter your view, it’s apparent that getting this vaccine will be a big decision for some people, and not a choice to be taken lightly. I encourage you to do your research, balance the pros and cons, and take those you love into consideration. And however that weighs in for you, be kind and nonjudgmental to those who feel differently.

This is the land of choices, after all.

A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.

-Proverbs 11:17

One Comment

  1. Richard L Bonn February 13, 2021 at 10:16 pm - Reply

    Will get it ASAP , Call me a test case for the doubters.😁

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