Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Waiting is a gift. At times it doesn’t feel like a gift. It feels like a much like we are pinned down or behind a fence at the zoo. But as we wait, things are happening behind the scenes. They will be revealed in God’s time, in His manner, with His ultimate wisdom.

During this time of waiting, I have consciously chosen two thought processes that permeate my thoughts, my decisions and my actions.

  1. I choose to trust. Yes, it is a choice. It isn’t always easy to trust, especially when we cannot see or touch God. But this is not the end of our books. In spite of hardship, job changes, social distancing and the grieving of how life was, this is only a middle. Our stories are still being revealed and I trust God in not only writing mine, but managing it as well.
  2. I choose to look for what He wants me to learn during this time. How is He asking me to draw closer to Him? What opportunities is He giving me and what surprises does He have for me? One of these for me has been the gift of more time-time to read His words and more time to pray. Another has been the opportunity to mentor several ladies through some tough times in their lives and another who is a new believer and wants to grow. Thirdly, because our churches are virtual, there are wonderful opportunities to immerse myself in more messages pointing me to Christ. Anytime of day or night. These messages have been a huge encouragement and draw me closer to my Savior.

We have our Lord’s assurance that He will never leave or forsake us. I believe that during this time of waiting, He wants us to draw closer, to depend on Him more and to make that daily (sometimes hourly) choice to trust Him.

I can’t wait to hear what He is teaching you.

The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. Lamentations 3:25

By Published On: August 9th, 2020Categories: Devotionals0 Comments on The Big Wait

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