Life is starting anew. It’s time to go home to Oregon! We’ve lived near Chicago now for four years. None of us have been thrilled about it (especially the weather). With the idea that we would seek to live back in the Northwest someday, we continued forward because we were called here-for a bit. But a year or so ago, both hubby and I became discontent in our jobs. We sought some sound advice, as we both like to do, and something my dad said really struck me. “God moves you forward in two ways. He either brings up an offer elsewhere you just can’t refuse or He makes you very discontent with where you are.”


I Went Home For Three Weeks

I took three weeks and went home this past summer to go to a class reunion, family reunions and to celebrate my dad’s 80th. The youngest came along. With the exception of missing hubby, middle and Mocha doggie (2 out of 3 came to visit halfway through-we didn’t want to put Mocha through just a “visit plane ride” lol). I didn’t really want to come “home” to Chicago when the three weeks was done. On the West Coast, we have my parents (for a half year), two brothers and families, our two daughters, my hubby’s sister and family, friends and of course, THE BEACH.

I didn’t quite understand the need that I felt to quit my day job in Chicago a couple of months ago. I am a logical and fairly practical person, with some emotions tossed in. But the thought was persistent and when some things happened there that I was uncomfortable with, I chatted with hubby. “What are you going to do?” He said as I nodded vigorously. I had no idea. Only knew, for some odd reason, that it “was time.” But never before have I quit a job without something else in place! Perhaps I was going insane? And yet, the idea wouldn’t leave my brain.

Youngest and me

I Was Obedient to God

I gave notice. They asked for 3 more weeks after the 2 and I agreed since nothing else had come up, and I left for good about 10 days ago. And here is what has happened since I was obedient to what God was telling me to do:

  • Within 4 days I had an agreement from an agent who wants to represent my novel about human trafficking. We’re ironing the details out. I’ve written a picture book now too and have a good start on a chapter book. Looking forward to #NaNoWriMo!
  • Within 8 days I had an offer for employment on the West Coast, with an organization (ARMS) that focuses on domestic violence ministry. I teach groups for them here, help them afar with marketing and have always wanted to help more in some way. This organization was essential in my healing from past abuse.
  • God provided twice the amount of income via self-employment my first week “unemployed” than I earned at the day job, with more in the pipeline.

I just have to tell you, the opportunities keep flowing in. All because I was obedient, and apparently it is time. I have accepted the job in Oregon. I will work in Chicago from afar for a few months as well as keeping up on writing and marketing clients. We will relocate before Christmas (hopefully-keeping the Chicago-to-the-Rockies weather in mind).

Your prayers are appreciated for employment there for hubby and for logistics and adjustments for my boys, pets, etc. We need to sell the house. There is a lot to still figure out!

Thank you for your support and prayers!

By Published On: November 4th, 2018Categories: Homespun, Just Me2 Comments on Oregon Bound


  1. Renee February 15, 2021 at 4:48 pm - Reply

    That was a great read. (I love the quote from your dad. ) An amazing ministry God has instore for you. I will be praying for you and Bill’s journey to the next chapter God has planned for you two. welcome home.

  2. Angie Mazzula February 15, 2021 at 4:49 pm - Reply

    Sending my love and prayers your way Julie! We will miss seeing you at Chamber events. Me and the ladies at Costco always looked forward to seeing you.

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